From the July 25, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate. ** Rockville Confederate Statue Removed. ((m)ontgomery County, Maryland) (Loss) The statue weighed 13 tons and had stood over 100 years. It will be installed near White's Ferry. The county paid $100,000 for the removal. The reasoning for removal was that it just represented Confederates. Personally I think they should just have put up a statue to honor Union soldiers and be done with it. So, another city joins those lower-cased in shame. So Sad, (r)ockville. --Old Secesh
The first thing is that the town or city that takes the statue down goes to lower case instead of capitalization for their shame. So far, the cities of (n)ew (o)rleans, (l)ouisville, (s)t. (l)ouis and (o)rlando have gone lower case. I also then intend to boycott the city until I get over it. (If I do.) --Old Secesh